The Little THC School of oHHo
Welcome to the classroom. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a cannabis newbie, we’ll school you on all the THC benefits, uses, FAQs - and more. Your new life starts here.

Cannabis Harvest Time: Outcast Acres
As the Fall colors begin to emerge the cannabis plant is ready for harvesting. The cannabis plants up at Outcast Acres in Saratoga Springs have one season of growth from early June to mid October when harvesting begins. As the season moves, the plants will respond to the changes in sunlight exposure and begin transitioning from the vegetative, leafy growth stage to the flowering stage.

The Biphasic Effects of Cannabis
Have you ever had an alcoholic drink and noticed how energized and chatty you become? And have you also noticed that if you continue to consume alcohol you become exhausted and quiet? This is because alcohol has a biphasic effect meaning ‘two phases’. A drug's low and high doses cause opposite effects.

Why THC Mocktails rock
Our Pink Grapefruit mixer is about to change the way you drink. Here are 5 reasons to swap your margarita for a THC mocktail…

Too High + Want to Come Down
It is common to have a negative experience of cannabis when you first try it. Often users will consume way more THC than they are tolerant of or they may try cannabis after consuming alcohol - the mixing of alcohol and THC is called ‘crossfading’, the combination exacerbates both intoxicants causing an intense intoxication often resulting in nausea.

5 things to know about Pride

Origins of U.S. Cannabis Prohibition
Cannabis has been used for recreation, as a medicine and for spiritual purposes for thousands of years dating back to central Asia around 2500 bce.

THC Beyond Recreational Use
Documented use of cannabis goes back over 5000 years and today cannabis is regularly used globally by approximately 300 million people.

New To Cannabis - Finding your THC Tolerance
Whether you are tolerant of THC largely depends on your level of experience with cannabis.
THC tolerance refers to the amount you need to feel a desired effect. If you are new to cannabis you might want to follow the start low, go slow method to avoid feeling unwanted effects.

Re-owning the word 'Marijuana'
There are two types of cannabis, Marijuana and Hemp. Hemp contains less than 0.3%THC and does not get you high. Marijuana can have over 30%THC and does get you high.

oHHo Cannabinoids
Cannabis plants contain over 100 ‘cannabinoid’ compounds and THC, CBD, CBG and CBN are four examples.