The Little CBD School of oHHo
Welcome to the classroom. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a cannabis newbie, we’ll school you on all the CBD benefits, uses, FAQs - and more. Your new life starts here.

Does CBD Help with Sleep?
The No.1 reported medical complaint in the US is sleep disorders. 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for adults but 10's of millions of Americans regularly do not get enough. 60% have occasional sleep problems and over 40 million Americans suffer from more than 70 different sleep disorders.

Will CBD Make Me Sleepy?
The association of cannabis and the heavy eyed, sedated, ‘stoned’ or seemingly lazy effect it can have is commonly misunderstood to be related to the presence of CBD. When people get high from cannabis it is due to the presence of the THC compound which interacts with receptors in our bodies in a completely different way to CBD.