The Little CBD School of oHHo
Welcome to the classroom. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a cannabis newbie, we’ll school you on all the CBD benefits, uses, FAQs - and more. Your new life starts here.

Delta 9 hemp: your questions, answered
As we celebrate the launch of our first-ever hemp-derived THC collection, let’s take a look at the hero compound that made it possible

Zero-THC: What does it mean?
Our new CBD oils are changing the game. Here’s why…

What Is the ECS?
Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS is a complex system of neurotransmitters and receptors found in almost every part of the body including the nervous and immune systems.

Does CBD Help with Sleep?
The No.1 reported medical complaint in the US is sleep disorders. 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for adults but 10's of millions of Americans regularly do not get enough. 60% have occasional sleep problems and over 40 million Americans suffer from more than 70 different sleep disorders.

CBD and The Immune System
An autoimmune condition happens when your body misreads its own signals and the body starts to attack itself. This can cause inflammation and other undesirable symptoms.

CBD and Menopause
A survey of over 4000 menopausal women in the UK has revealed that 44% say their ability to work has been affected by their symptoms. 80% say their workplace has no basic support in place for them and 40% have seen the menopause or menopause symptoms treated as a joke.

Does CBD Help with Inflammation?
Inflammation is part of the body's defense mechanism that occurs when the immune system recognizes and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Acute inflammation occurs following an injury, infection, or illness.

CBD Skin Care and Repair
For a whole body response you need to allow CBD to enter the bloodstream by using a tincture, capsules, through inhalation or another method of ingestion. CBD can also be used as a therapeutic topical agent, providing benefits without being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Does CBD Make Your Eyes Red?
Due to it’s non-intoxicating yet therapeutic effects, CBD has become a welcome addition in the lives of millions. The benefits to be gained from CBD, a compound which carries no potential for abuse, addiction or overdose and provides a safe, gentle and effective remedy for many of life’s challenges, are huge.

Will CBD Make Me Sleepy?
The association of cannabis and the heavy eyed, sedated, ‘stoned’ or seemingly lazy effect it can have is commonly misunderstood to be related to the presence of CBD. When people get high from cannabis it is due to the presence of the THC compound which interacts with receptors in our bodies in a completely different way to CBD.

Does CBD Make You Hungry?
Cannabis use has a pretty well known association with increasing your appetite. Cannabis is said to cause ‘the munchies’ a strong hunger trigger, even when you have recently had a meal. Due to this property, doctors are able to prescribe certain varieties of cannabis to patients to help stimulate their appetite, particularly for those recovering from cancer treatments.