The Little CBD School of oHHo
Welcome to the classroom. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a cannabis newbie, we’ll school you on all the CBD benefits, uses, FAQs - and more. Your new life starts here.

CBD Skin Care and Repair
For a whole body response you need to allow CBD to enter the bloodstream by using a tincture, capsules, through inhalation or another method of ingestion. CBD can also be used as a therapeutic topical agent, providing benefits without being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Does CBD Make Your Eyes Red?
Due to it’s non-intoxicating yet therapeutic effects, CBD has become a welcome addition in the lives of millions. The benefits to be gained from CBD, a compound which carries no potential for abuse, addiction or overdose and provides a safe, gentle and effective remedy for many of life’s challenges, are huge.

Can You Take Too Much CBD?
It is hard to find simple information about how much CBD you should take and what happens if you take too much CBD. An effective dose of CBD for most users is between 5-25mg per day. Doctors prescribe much higher doses to patients with specific medical conditions using body weight dosing up to 40mg per kg (around 1500mg) per day.

Can You Have Too Much CBD?
If you take too much CBD such as ingesting 75mg instead of 25mg you may find the CBD is less effective. CBD is a botanical extract which requires some experimentation to find the exact level that is effective for you. Dosing CBD is about starting low and increasing slowly until you find the perfect amount - usually between 15-25mg a day for wellness benefits.

What Is the Endocannabinoid System?
Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS is a complex system of neurotransmitters and receptors found in almost every part of the body including the nervous and immune systems.

Will CBD Get Me High?
By far the most important concern for consumers is whether or not CBD will cause intoxication or make you feel ‘high’. Being ‘stoned’ or high on cannabis happens when you ingest the compound known as THC. Over the past 50 or so years, THC has been the focus of selective breeding of marijuana strains of cannabis, increasing its presence to nearly 30% - roughly twice as strong as what naturally occurs.

Can CBD Affect Your Appetite?
CBD can affect your appetite but not in the way associated with marijuana or specifically the intoxicating THC compound found in marijuana.

How to Make CBD Taste Better
At oHHo we believe that helping people discover CBD starts at that first taste. Depending on whose products you buy, CBD hemp oils will either taste great, terrible, of nothing or of something that isn’t CBD. As a botanical extract, full spectrum CBD has a natural earthy, grass like taste when unrefined.
Does CBD Oil Work?
CBD is a non-intoxicating, neuroprotective compound with an incredibly high safety profile. It presents significant therapeutic properties as a preventative medicine tool that can be used to help our brain, nervous system and body to a state of balance, harmony and equilibrium called homeostasis.

Will CBD Make Me Sleepy?
The association of cannabis and the heavy eyed, sedated, ‘stoned’ or seemingly lazy effect it can have is commonly misunderstood to be related to the presence of CBD. When people get high from cannabis it is due to the presence of the THC compound which interacts with receptors in our bodies in a completely different way to CBD.

What Happens If You Take Too Much CBD?
CBD is a non-intoxicating botanical compound that does not present the same degree of risk associated with pharmaceutical drugs. Taking too much CBD will result in a less effective result rather than harm.

Does CBD Make You Hungry?
Cannabis use has a pretty well known association with increasing your appetite. Cannabis is said to cause ‘the munchies’ a strong hunger trigger, even when you have recently had a meal. Due to this property, doctors are able to prescribe certain varieties of cannabis to patients to help stimulate their appetite, particularly for those recovering from cancer treatments.

What Is the Difference Between CBD vs CBC vs CBG vs CBN?
Cannabis plants contain over 100 ‘cannabinoid’ compounds and CBD, CBG and CBN are three examples.These compounds are unique to the cannabis plant and unique in the way they interact with us. We have a biological regulatory system known as the endocannabinoid system, named after the fact that these cannabinoid compounds interact with receptors within this biological system.

Will CBD Make My Eyes Go Heavy?
When people have consumed cannabis they are often observed to have a temporary heaviness around their eyes. The predictable stoner image of a sleepy, chilled out individual with bloodshot and heavy eyes reflects a legacy from the prohibition era and as we understand the effects of cannabis more clearly now, consumers are challenging this stereotype.

Is CBD Legal?
As CBD is derived from the cannabis plant many consumers are unsure of its legal status. Cannabis plants that contain high levels (up to 30%) of the intoxicating compound THC are often referred to as marijuana.

An introduction to CBD
CBD is a compound found within the cannabis plant. It is non-intoxicating, non-addictive and non-toxic. CBD has a balancing effect on our health, regulating the flow of natural chemicals in our bodies, helping us to be at our optimum.